Incredible vs Fascinate?


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Jan 2, 2011
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I recently acquired a Samsung Fascinate, and well - it's not so fascinating. It's slow, it freezes a lot, the battery life is crap, the calendar leaves a lot to be desired, and Samsung's customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I do like the UI on the Fascinate, though. My hubby has a Droid X, and I'm not fond of it. It's too "raw" for me. I like the UI on the Fascinate, though.

So I guess my question is, would it be worth making the jump to an Incredible, since I'm still within my 30-day return period with Verizon? Does the Incredible offer any advantages over the Fascinate? Or should I put my big girl pants on and just suck it up and live with the Fascinate (and hope to god that one day, maybe, I'll get Froyo too...)

Words of wisdom are appreciated! Thanks!!
The incredible is a good option. But I would suggest going to the store and playing around with one.

Also have you considered there could be something wrong with your fascinate? Could have an app running constantly, that will cause it to be slow and run the battery down. Have you done a factory reset?

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Other than having a better UI (Sense) the incredible has no benefit over the Samsung Fascinate. Sansung fascinate hardware is alittle better in every aspect. The GPU is superior in the fascinate actually.
The incredible is a good option. But I would suggest go into the store and playing around with one. Once that is said, I know what you are going though. I too used to have a Samsung Fascinate it was my 2nd driod phone. My first was the HTC Eris, it was a good little phone. Then I upgrade to the Fascinate. It was okay at first but then I notice small things like gps not working as well compare to my eris. I noticed I needed about 100 mb of ram free for gps to work good. Other things were the battery life, slughish/slow of the cpu. I have switch to the Incredible and been very happy with the switch. But before you switch, go into the store and play with the other ones. PS: My wife also switch her Fascinate for the Incredible too.
I will try and give you a little input as I was in your same exact shoes not two days ago I had just got a fascinate after having an X (longer story behind that change lol) I really wanted to like the fascinate the screen was awesome and the speed was good but the signal sucked everywhere I went, no updates, no support from samsung and battery was horrible, the only way I saw making it better was through rooting and custom roms but even then it wasnt what it should have been. My Wife has had the incredible since it came out and has been an awesome phone for her even when i had the X she kicked my a$$ in speed, browser speed, reliability, and over all enjoyment about the only thing I had better with the X was screen res (she dosent have slcd as hers is first run) and battery life. So, yesterday I exchanged my fascinate for the Inc and I can tell you I am much happier aside from battery life I dont have any other complaints the Inc is so much nicer and more reliable. Also, beware the store display of the Inc, the one at my store was still running 2.1 and was slow as a snail from all the use, not a good representation of the Inc at all. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for all the feedback!! I am pretty sure there aren't any apps running in the background. The Fascinate has a task manager (I do *not* use it to kill apps) and pretty much the only thing ever running is the browser. I'm going to have to look into the Incredible some more, for sure. Sounds like people really like it. I've been to the store to play with the Incredible, when I ended up buying the Fascinate, but I'll have to go in again and give it another shot. Maybe this time I'll leave the 3-year-old at home with the hubby so I can actually concentrate on the phone... lol.
I have the incredible and my hubby has the fascinate. He constantly gets angry with his phone. It freezes a lot and is super slow at times. He plans on switching to the incredible. I think its better, personally.

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Isn't the Fascinate stuck with 2.1 and the Incredible has 2.2? I hear that the Fascinate people are dragging their feet just to get to 2.2 and 2.3 is already on its way.

I could be wrong.
Are you running the cool water background? Shouldn't matter for downtime battery life but it'll slow you a bit and suck a little juice when its up and being used.

I just ask because my girlfriend just got one (loves it) and I noticed its got a very pretty and complex UI out of the box. Looks great and It's fun to play with but it makes me wonder.

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I too was going to trade in my Fascinate for the Incredible but im going to hold off for the Thunderbolt. Be sure to turn off the live wallpapers, they will eat the samsung battery up. The samsung UI is nice but i think HTC Sense UI tops it. The fascinate has potential to be a great phone but samsung lost its desire to update it as they have already moved on to other devices so this phone is stuck on 2.1 forever..

HTC is the way to go..
I just ditched my Fascinate for an Incredible last Sunday because of some of the same issues.

The DL09 firmware really does help out the Fascinate, but it still does some goofy things sometimes.

Some of the lag that I've noticed is with the Messaging app, deleting old text messages can fix that. Also rooting the phone and putting a DL09 radio and ROM on it certainly helps, but it sucks that you have to go that route to fix things.

The Incredible's GPU is not as good as the Fascinates, but games play well on both phones.

Typing on the Fascinate is easier because of a larger screen and Swype.

I never had a fascinate, but did have a vibrant when i was with tmobile. That phone was piece of junk, and so is tmobile customer service. We switched to verizon and got Droid Inc's. These are awesome phones, much faster.

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Larger screen would be nice at times, I have to admit! But I do enjoy the smaller overall size of the dinc 95% of the time. Total personal preference thing though, I know there are many many people that love the large screen for obvious reasons.

Dinc does have swype available in beta at this point, enrollment is currently open.

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I think the DInc is better than the Fascinate and i dont have a DInc, i have a Fascinate but i want a dinc lol.
Well, I did it. I traded in the Fascinate, and aside from the battery life, I am MUCH happier with the Incredible! Thanks again for all the input!

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