individual ringtones


New Member
Nov 15, 2011
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I got a new Droid bionic (exactly like the one I had before) but this one won't let me assign individual ringtones to people. I know where the ringtones are found at, that's not the issue. I have tried going to the persons contact in my list and went to settings and ringtones, I select the ringtone I want for that person, the window closes like it was selected but it is still set to default and I can't get it to change to the one I want! Help!
OK So I tried giving my dad his own ringtone and it worked, but for some reason I still can't give my boyfriend his own ringtone...
I have never heard of this problem, but if you're still having issues with it and search engines weren't helping you at all, I'd say back up everything important to you and do a factory reset. Or take it to your local Verizon store and see if they've heard of this issue before. Have you done any specific modifications to it like rooting, custom ROMS, etc?
No idea what rooting is, or any of that stuff or how to do it. I just got the phone less than a month ago, it should be a brand new phone (my other one got broken but was covered by the insurance I have).