Information on Incredible


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Im still trying to decide what to upgrade too. I was originally gonna get the X but the Incredible has a better camera and a lot of the things the X can do that the Incredible cant are things that I wont or rarely be using and the wait for the X is ridiculous. However, some of the reviews I have read talks about the Incredibles keyboard being slow and unresponsive. I was curious if this is something that any of you have dealt with? What other problems have you run across since having the phone? Im prepared for the battery life and Im aware that there is no perfect phone.

If you are aware of the battery issue, I would say pull the trigger on the Inc. I have tried the D.X on two occasions and didnt make it through a whole day with it. I understand the size of the X is the appeal factor but it was too big for my liking. I feel that the D. Inc. is as perfect of a phone were gonna get for now. Camera is great, its getting 720P recording and I love Sense UI vs the Moto Blur stuff. I am a very picky phone person and I have to say the INC is just an amazing device I have had it since the day it was released and I am not dissappointed yet.
I would strongly agree with what the other 2 have said. I was still within my 30 days when the X was released. I went to play with it to see if I wanted to exchange it due to the keyboard on the Dinc. I really did not like the feel, the reaction time or the moto-ninja or blur whatever it is on the X. The Dinc felt much better and you can't beat the HTC Sense UI.

I came home and tried a few different keyboards offered in the market, picked the one that best worked for me and now I am very happy with the Dinc. As for the battery there are a few threads that offer some tips to improve the battery life. I haven't had any major issues with the battery but I am a light user.