I keep getting an error from the market, insufficient storage available. The app is only 10mb and i have over 8gb free on the sd and internal. How do i fix this?
I get the same thing the only way I've found to get it to work is manage apps and put as many as you can to media area then it should let you download it
I actually contacted tech support about the apps disappearing issue and they stated that it had not been reported before. They followed up on it and even called me back thanking me for reporting it. There is now a new ticket created to address the issue. I recommend reporting this as well if it's truly a concern so that they know about it. I've only had mine since Thursday, but tech support can't address issues they don't know about.
I used to work an internet helpdesk and it's kind of like outages. The majority of the outage notifications came from customers reporting the issue first hand for investigation.