Interesting Facts


Dec 27, 2009
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Since the start of Miui we have all gone to and used google to translate it for us. I have seen many people that have quoted the "Grab the sofa" and others. Well this made me wonder what sofa meant in Chinese.

Well first I found out that sofa is 沙发

I found this excellent thread between a Chinese person and a person who i assume teaches Chinese to English speakers due to his questions. Here is a quote of that thread.
The concept of "grabbing the 沙发" does exist in English, and it'll usually result in a post that reads "Hey, I'm the first to reply ". But there isn't an English equivalence for "沙发"
Here is the thread for more info and some Chinese thread talk.

So its just there way of saying first that does not translate well to English. I had assumed this but was never sure and when I found out I thought I would share my find.

Also if you look at the post counts in the upper right hand of each post on the first one it says 2楼 沙发 or 2, sofa.

One more day till week 22 release! dancedroid :icon_ banana: dancedroid
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I didnt click your link but I always assumed it meant something like "First!, Im going to sit down and watch this thread"
thanks for the factoids mmitchell816