We sat down recently with Faeria Studio and shot emails back and forth and bounced some questions off of them. They were kind enough to supply us at DroidGamers with answers to every single one. They spoke about their project called Runes, which will be a gesture based 3D MMORPG for Android. They also hinted at another project coming soon, also for Android!
DG) How far along are you in the development of Runes?
Faeria Studio) The project started late 2008, with the idea of being a magician with a magic wand on a Wii project. But with the smart phones Android announced, we decided to turn to Android because it would be simpler, massively multiplayer and most of all, Android’s philosophy matches ours.
So we started the Game Design in December 2008, with other projects running, only a small team worked on Rūnes, so we had to wait until June 2009 to really start the project.
In July 2009, we hear about the first Android Developer Challenge, we then rushed to have a playable alpha in august. That was the first release of Rūnes: august 31st 2009.
We developed a lot of features afterward: Items, shops, learning, dungeons, quests…
But we had a lot of issues with our 3D engine, so the project got late. Actually, most of the features are implemented, but we still have the alpha engine and are working on the new one.
DG) Last I heard, you were upgrading the graphics engine of the game. How has that been coming along? And, can you maybe share a picture that shows how it was, and how it will be when the game is going live?
Faeria Studio) To create from scratch a 3D engine for Android is really, really difficult. We have a lot of memory issues, and the fragmentation of Android phones makes it really difficult to create a technology that will work on every Android…
Our main feeling about Rūnes is: small platform doesn’t mean small games. We want to prove that Android is great for gaming, so we need the best in our game. We have a lot of features, a great universe so we need great graphics. That point is the hardest and is still unsolved. But we look for the best, that's why we have created one of the firsts cinematic for an Android game.
But we have good news! New characters have been designed, and are waiting for the engine to be implemented.
The engine we work on can almost handle graphics of the quality of the teaser!
Here is a shot of the model history:

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