Intro: erikzen


New Member
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hi! I just registered for DroidForums today.

Last week I bought an HTC Eris from Verizon. This is my 4th "smartphone". Previously, I owned a Palm Treo 650, 750 and Centro. I lost my phone right before Christmas and it never turned up. I probably would have replaced it with another Centro or a Pre if Verizon carried them.

From the available phones I figured the Eris was my best bet. My primary concerns are email and the actual phone functions. I've hald Palm devices for the past 12 years so the Android operating system is new to me, but looks very promising. Since I'm under contract with Verizon (although they graciously gave me the 2 year pricing even though I wasn't eligible for an upgrade yet) an iPhone was out of the question. I wasn't crazy about the Blackberrys so, an Eris it is.

So far the only thing I don't like about the phone is the battery life. I'm not on the road a lot so it's more of an annoyance than anything. I think the phone has a lot of potential and look forward to following the forums to learn more.
Welcome Erikzen! how are you liking both the Eris and the Sense UI? Im trying to convince the significant other to switch over to Verizon, after catching her eyeing the Eris :)
So far, so good! I really like the phone a lot. The multiple home screens is totally cool. Using the browser is fast and you can easily resize the page to fit the screen on any website I've tried so far.

The only drawback is the battery life, as I mentioned before and the lack off YouTube support. I've seen mention of this elsewhere but not 100% sure what the issue is. I can watch some videos but not others. Does it have to do with high definition? Anyway, not really a big deal because I didn't buy the phone to watch YouTube.
Excellent! Sense UI looks so amazing, i cant wait for 2.1 just solely for 5 home screens instead of 3. I was unaware of YouTube iffy-support on that phone, but yes I have used YouTube only once or twice.