Invite for Google Voice

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New Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Can someone please send me an invite for Google Voice? PM me and I'll give you my email address.

Thanks alot
first two to pm me their email gets one. sorry, i only have two left.
IMO it's silly that everyone with a droid doesn't receive an invite upon purchase.

That said, I needs one too...
I also have 2 invites so the first two to pm me get them.

**Sorry everyone I am all out!**
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I sent a PM, digeratu, but I don't know if I did it right? Hopefully I did and I got one of them because I am excited to get learning how to use the GV service.
I would love for someone to PM me with an invite instead of posting them, heh. It seems that these invites are so hot that as soon as it is posted that they are gone within seconds. I know I'm probably just being selfish here but I would really love for someone to hook me up.

Thanks in advance
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