iPhone gets beat by stock android 2.2 voice recognition


May 26, 2010
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Voice recognition apps could end typing as we know it

I was watching the news last night and saw this piece... I was especially happy when I saw the EVO come on and get nearly perfect results compared to the iPhone downloaded software (i dont know if you pay for it or not).... I thought it was pretty funny that it beat the iPhone and i think the guy in the video was surprised too lol

Quote from the article - "Winston Churchill wasn’t known for his diction, but the same passage read into the pre-loaded voice recognition software on an Evo phone came out nearly perfect. Thomas was also impressed with the phone's ability to open programs and execute commands such as sending email without touching the phone."

Hopefully soon, with all the android buzz, android will be announced first... then the iPhone will be brought out to compare against it!

I thought it was funny, and thought i would share it.