Is an app killer and anti virus needed?

Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Maine
When I bought my X the girl put in the app killer and anti virus at the store.

Are they a necessity or do they cause harm and slow stuff down?


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They are not needed..All they do is slow down the device and eat battery life.
First couple of things I have new users take off. +10 ! :)

You would think VZ is getting a kickback from ATK ...
Just say no to task killers!!!....and the linux based OS doesn't need a virus scanner.
I agree, the day I HAVE to install a farking antivirus/spyware software on my phone is the day I go back to feature phones. Don't browse/download porn on your smartphone and you'll have no virus worries.
I agree, the day I HAVE to install a farking antivirus/spyware software on my phone is the day I go back to feature phones. Don't browse/download porn on your smartphone and you'll have no virus worries.

Thanks for the laugh!

I was wondering the same regarding task killer will uninstall ASAP!

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I agree, the day I HAVE to install a farking antivirus/spyware software on my phone is the day I go back to feature phones. Don't browse/download porn on your smartphone and you'll have no virus worries.

Porn on my smartphone = not getting caught by my girlfriend while being on my pc :icon_ devil:
anti virus is not needed untill you get your first virus and that MAY never happen

I would use caution with that last statement. If you have rooted your phone you may be more vulnerable to malware requesting su access. Just because it's Linux, doesn't always mean safe. Leave it all up to your best judgement.

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OK, so I removed the app-killer. But I left the AVG anti-virus there.

I had read on here that with 2.2 you didn't need the app killer, but I wanted to make sure.

Is the AVG a good anti-virus to use, since I feel safer having in on here.

Yea AV can't hurt unless it is slowing your phone down. I wouldn't worry about viruses though. May be possible to get Malware, but I have never gotten any and I am rooted. Look at what an app has access to, if it seems fishy don't download it.