Is HTC Becoming Delusional? HTC Exec Claims Their Phones Have Samsung "worried"


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Is it possible to become so desperate that you become delusional? That's a valid question after you have read some recent comments from n HTC HTC North Asia President Jack Tong. Mr. Tong recently commented that the HTC J Butterfly, aka the Droid DNA, is so successful around the globe it has caused Samsung to make "fewer moves." He further exaggerated with, “This means HTC has the ability to make Samsung worried.”

Ummm... yeah, how's that logic working out for you HTC?

While we freely admit that the J Butterfly/Droid DNA is a remarkable phone, and has seen solid success, it's really hard to find any valid reason to agree with Tong's argument. He basically commits at least two logical fallacies, including a Non Sequitur, and a Post Hoc Argument. Here's a quote with a few more of his "not so brilliant" statements,

"As long as we can meet the strong demand in the local market, we'll be able to see 'a golden cross' of the sales figures of the two popular products by the end of January," Tong said Thursday.

HTC had got a strong boost from the "unexpected" sales and hoped to keep up with the sales momentum, Tong said, joking that "we can call it 'the butterfly effect.'"

He added that his company will do its utmost to "make precise decisions, unveil eye-catching products and set a higher standard, leaving the rivals far behind."

Considering that both Huawei and ZTE have surpassed HTC in global marketshare, his statements seem all the more preposterous. Having an optimistic outlook in life is always a good thing, but there does need to be some limits, otherwise you might end up in a psych-ward...

Between HTC's recent misstep with the developer community, and these grandiose statements, we have to wonder where HTC's mojo has gone. For quite some time many of us were happily rooting for them to make an "underdog come-back." Now we are just stupefied...

Source: FocusTaiwan
rim's ceo passed the joint to htc's ceo, both are now smoking same crap.

chances are we won't see either company in couple years from now.
HTC is always 300-400mah short.....They just need to stop being such tight wads, HTC is the.....innovator??...or the me first.....or what ever of the cell industry.....but they are just always 1-2 things short. The droid DNA is a very nice device....But it needs 200-500mah and 32gb or an external SD card. If it had them 2 things it would have sold twice as many. The phone is a freaking beast. But always a tad short. who knows what they where thinking with the 16gb memory with no way to extend.

But it COULD have competed vs the S3.....but you have to have the foundation.
I hope this is some act to reveal some true genius from the company. First they go after the dev community and now they think they have Samsung looking over their shoulder. Someone there has gone off the deep end:D
rim's ceo passed the joint to htc's ceo, both are now smoking same crap.

chances are we won't see either company in couple years from now.

And I thought I misplaced it. As with HTC's misplaced logic.

aliens don't use razr's, they use obsidian.
I've never bought and htc device, I thought about the DNA... I thought about the thunderbolt... I've thought about a lot of them but as was stated above there was always something missing.

sad to see a company go the way of RIM... I really liked blackberry, never liked HTC so much but competition is a good thing... it's starting to look like they will remove themselves from that competition soon
I would call HTC more or less senseless, than delusional....

They can't seem to suport existing products, let alone come up with ground-breaking new products. My completely disappointed/frustrated experience with my Thunderbolt makes my stay away from HTC, and will do so for quite some time. I take my business elsewhere.
The DNA is a nice phone but it suffers from a glaring design flaw that Samsung doesn't; the embedded - non removable battery. *facepalm*

I'm really starting to be annoyed at this trend of offering devices with non-removable batteries. Apple has been doing that since the original iPhone, it is not a new concept, it's a major leap or fall in the wrong direction. Unless they can come up with a battery that doesn't suffer from reduced charging capacity over time, having a non-removable battery renders an otherwise perfectly good device useless before it's time. It is also more of a burden to consumers who are forced to carry around power adapters and look for outlets or usb ports or carry around portable external batteries which are inept and cumbersome. It also hurts the resale value for consumers who are trying to sell their old devices; buyers may be more wary to purchased a used device with a non-removable battery. It's just so much easier to have one or two spare batteries fully charged and swap them out as needed.

It's almost akin to having non-removable tires on your car... :blink: I gotta buy another car or tow it to an authorized repair shop and pay an outrageous price to replace the tires?

They can't seem to suport existing products, let alone come up with ground-breaking new products. My completely disappointed/frustrated experience with my Thunderbolt makes my stay away from HTC, and will do so for quite some time. I take my business elsewhere.

Agree. I WAS a huge HTC fan. I mean, come on.... there is a reason the HTC Sense clock was featured just about anytime a Droid phone was shown in an ad. There is a reason there is app after app in the app store with folks trying to imitate just that clock. They, imo, set the bar for custom UI's. Motorola and Samsungs first efforts were garbage. New ones are much improved, but HTC was the first to have a great one. The weather animations on unlock? So cool. People still comment on my phone when they see those (when I am not running a custom launcher).
But now? I will never consider another HTC product. I expect at least 2 software updates on my phone over the course of a contract. I don't think that is asking too much. I don't expect every update.
My Dinc2 came with Froyo. Got a GB update. Yay! Promised an ICS update by end of September. Incredible S (basically the same phone) got it. I still haven't got it. And expect I won't as I assume the Dinc2 probably is fading fast now as people trade up. As I will, too, when my contract is up in 2 short months. And it won't be an HTC.