is it possible to merge all settings

kimberly wood

New Member
Jul 29, 2020
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Current Phone Model
samsung 7active
on my deceased husbands samsung 5 with my samsung 7 active and keep both settings/passwords/etc.
he has things I need on his phone (& mine) to continue paying bills (both our emails.web addresses)...
I Don't want to overwrite mine....
Thank you
Welcome to the Forum! Sorry for your loss. I don't think it's possible to combine or "merge" two phones together, where all the data and settings are combined into one. If it is possible it's not something I have ever heard of. What I did in a similar situation was just update and add to all the records on my phone & my Google account (bookmarks, passwords, email, etc.) and once I had everything I needed on my phone & my account I closed the phone line for the deceased family member.

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I'm going to add his Google account & yahoo emails to my phone & see what happens...
guess I'll let ya know if it helps.
in Ky some utility companies require court order to keep the original account open..I dont want New accounts & lose records
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If you have access to a laptop with MS Outlook on it you can use Outlook to log into your Gmail account and then to his email account (s). Once everything syncs with Outlook start copying his email from his folders created in Outlook to your folders in Outlook, or make a new folder in Outlook for his mail, etc. Copy some at a time and let everything sync. Once it's all done you can remove the accounts from Outlook on the computer and then have a copy of all his email in your Gmail account. That's what I did recently and it worked great. Just took a little time to copy 10 years of old email into my Gmail account, but now it's there in a folder / lable I created and I can access it from my phone, my Chromebook, etc.

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