Is there an app for that?



Here's a quick description of my problem...

I'm at the office, phone is on vibrate, i have my headphones plugged in and listening to pandora. I get a phone call, so I have to unplug my headphones and answer the call. As soon as the person hangs up, pandora goes back to playing full blast in my office before i can get my headphones plugged back in.

Is there an app that lets me put my phone on vibrate, and also silences the audio from any music or videos from playing from the speakers and only lets it come out of the headphone jack? currently, when you put the phone on silence or vibrate, audio and video sound still plays through the speakers.
yeave the headphones pluged in and keep the phone on the desk and talk. works great.
i guess that's a temp fix, but i want to be able to silence all of the audio if possible. i would just rather not have the phone be able to play audio through speakers when it is on vibrate. I have it on vibrate because i am in public place where it's inappropriate. There's got to be a better solution, no?
Haha, same thing happened to me.

I agree. I wish there was a separate volume control for speaker vs head phone, vs blue tooth when playing media. That way you could turn off speaker for media, and keep headphones at one volume and blue tooth at another
it seems like it should be simple to incorporate into an app if it's not already. just need to mute the multimedia volume when ringer is muted.
it seems like it should be simple to incorporate into an app if it's not already. just need to mute the multimedia volume when ringer is muted.

on second thought it might not be that easy. muting the multimedia volume will also mute the headphone volume
uh quick settings maybe it has

ringer volume
notification volume
media volume
alarm volume
voice call volume
system volume

i was gonna say mute them all but media and voice call but idk if muting the system volume makes the speakers mute but keeps the media volume for headphones:icon_eek:

edit: lol its funny you should be looking for this because a lot of people are trying to get their speaker sound back after using headphones
edit2: just tried it i'm wrong sorry
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Quick settings didn't do it. But it was a good try though. After seeing the interface for a quick second I thought it was going to work.
yea well when i remove my headphones pandora pauses so maybe email the devs for the app and tell them it doesnt do so when a call comes in a maybe they will just fix it for you heh
yea well when i remove my headphones pandora pauses so maybe email the devs for the app and tell them it doesnt do so when a call comes in a maybe they will just fix it for you heh

you sure yours pauses when you remove the headphones from the jack?? :icon_question:
You might want to look into "Locale", it's an app that lets you set up "situations" and control how the phone behaves based on the location you tie out to your GPS. I currently have my office and home set up. When I go to work, the phone automatically goes into silent mode, I don't even have to remember to do it.

You can capture your location from your GPS and give it a name, and then control your display, your network, notifications, ringtones, volume and wallpapers. When it senses your are in a location, it activates your settings.

Imagine how fun it would be to have a "babe" wallpaper that automatically switches to one of your wife the moment you pull in your driveway!

Give it a shot...
You might want to look into "Locale", it's an app that lets you set up "situations" and control how the phone behaves based on the location you tie out to your GPS. I currently have my office and home set up. When I go to work, the phone automatically goes into silent mode, I don't even have to remember to do it.

You can capture your location from your GPS and give it a name, and then control your display, your network, notifications, ringtones, volume and wallpapers. When it senses your are in a location, it activates your settings.

Imagine how fun it would be to have a "babe" wallpaper that automatically switches to one of your wife the moment you pull in your driveway!

Give it a shot...

I don't have a problem putting phone into silent mode. The problem is that while in silent mode, it still allows the music to play out of the speaker. Silent mode doesn't disable this.

Whether I put the phone in silent mode, or locale does, it doesn't make a difference. Music still plays from speaker.