Is this amazon battery legit?

its legit there was another thread floating around here some where. people were buying them like HOTCAKES

haha i kno i was gonna by a bunch then i remembered i can only charge 2 at a time lol

I would assume you have to buy atleast 2, so you get free shipping :p
It's legit. I bought one. The one thing I did notice was the slight variations in the battery's markings. The back of the Amazon battery looks a little different than the one that came with my Droid. This could be because they were made in different factories or batches. Regardless, it works better than the original so it's worth the price.
You actually aren't purchasing it from Amazon, you are purchasing it from "BargainCell"
You're correct. The one amazon sells is 24 bux. I got the 11 dollar one, gonna break it in properly and see how it holds up.
Well its here and will be ready to start testing this battery out today.
I bought one from the earlier thread and it seems to be fine. I have been swapping it with my original one as necessary, and I am not even sure which one is which (I meant to mark it when I go it, then I forgot and lost track). I don't have a second charger, so I have to charge in the phone, then swap again to charge the other battery.
I picked up the spare charger, although for like 3$ more i coulda gotten the dock that has a spare battery slot. I didnt know the dock existed at the time :(
Heres my initial observations. Charged it for 24 hours on my spare battery chargrer, slapped it in my droid, then beat the crap outta the battery with gaming and videos for 4 hours till it died. Then I charged it another 24 hours, popped it in, and used it as i regularly would that day. Got 30 hours still at 10%. Didin't watch videos or games, 250 text msgs, 30 mins talk, and some browsing. Been busy at work and had a wake today so didnt use the phone as much as I do. So it's definitely as good as the original.
i've also tried it and can confirm that is good as the original so go and buy it if you didn't already :)
my original droid battery died and never came back to life so i bought a cheap 5 dollar battery which blows i get like 4-6 hours max

il have to buy 2 batteries

is there any certain routine i should do when i get them?

my friend told me i should charge it and let it completely die then charge it again and do that 3-4 times is that true?
i thought lithom ion batterys dont have battery memorey just what i thought