Issues with UD Froyo eXtreme 3.5.0


Dec 25, 2009
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Did a couple searches around but didn't really see anything pertaining to the issues I'm experiencing. About 45 days ago or so, I was experiencing a lot of slow down with Droid Mod on my Motorola Droid, so I began searching for a new ROM to use. I tried a few different versions of CM, but ended with with UD eXtreme 3.5.0. All was good, however I've began to experience some issues, such as the black screen mentioned in a lot of Launcher Pro discussions, some slow down when opening apps, and more frequently, an issue with booting into recovery. When I try to, it sits on the Motorola icon for anywhere from 2-5 minutes, then boots normally. I've tried manually booting into recovery and it doesn't work, as well as booting into recovery through UD and Rom Manager, both saying that there was an error when doing so.

I downloaded the latest version of Clockwork threw Rom Manager, and the issue wasn't fixed. I'm not familiar enough with things to know how else to boot into recovery. The main reason I'm wanting to do so is I messed my Titanium backup, as I think I didn't redownload busybox after trying other ROMs, so I'm locked out of some apps such as Ultimate Juice, SeePU++, iMusic, and Mobile Banking for US Bank, some of which cost money now, or are no longer available. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D
to reinstall busybox click the help button in titanium backup
as far as ud i have never used it. I am using sapphire and its a solid rom that just works. My phone is fast at 1200 and cool.
The issue with not being able to boot into recovery can usually be resolved by flashing SPRecovery in ROM Manager, then flashing Clockwork recovery again.
The issue with not being able to boot into recovery can usually be resolved by flashing SPRecovery in ROM Manager, then flashing Clockwork recovery again.

Sorry for the bit of a necro, but something came up with work and I was out of state for a bit over a week. Anyways, I was trying that during that whole time, with it not working. I even tried sticking to SPRecovery, and it wouldn't manually boot into recovery. Starting to get kinda worried as to what to do. The phone is still rooted, I'm running SetCPU, Titanium Backup, and Wifi Tethering, so that's not the issue. Any ideas? This ROM has become quite terrible as of late. Looking at 10-15 second periods after unlocking the phone or exiting an app to do anything at all. I'm just left with staring at my wallpaper with no icons, and no ability to swipe screens or anything. Not to mention the issue thats cropped up lately with calls going straight to voice mail, Juice Defender no longer turning off the data connection, my battery taking a plummet to about 9 hours of standby time before draining fully, etc. List goes on and on really. I just need to get off of this ROM, and I feel kind of trapped, so any help would be greatly appreciated. A friend had mentioned trying to use the DM Updater to change to it, but I'm unsure how it works with 2.2 Froyo.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry for bumping again, but this weekend is really the only time I'll have to do anything extensive with my phone.

Again, main issue is that I'm unable to boot into recovery, Clockwork nor SP.

I've tried the flash SP, reflash Clockwork multiple times as this point, and neither the Reboot into Recovery option or manually entering recovery works. It loads up the Moto M symbol, sits there for about one minute, goes to a black screen, M symbol again, and boots normally.

I'm running UD Froyo eXtreme 3.5.0, and the ROM has just turned out not so great for me. Some phone calls go straight to Voicemail, I'm having sync issues with email sometimes taking an extra few hours to get to my handset, many of my apps that were backed up with Titanium can't be reinstalled for some reason, and I'm unable to flash my Nandroid backup to re-back them up. Some apps aren't working correctly (Juice Defender shows it has the ability to control the APN during setup, but for some reason, it won't work with this ROM.)

I've also tried the other options mentioned within Rom Manager when a reboot to recovery fails, with none of them fixing the issue.

Only suggestion I've gotten that I've yet to try is using DM Updater to roll back my phone, though I've read that can cause a lot of issues, and I'm hesitant to try without really knowing what may happen.
I've also tried the other options mentioned within Rom Manager when a reboot to recovery fails, with none of them fixing the issue.

Using rom manager would be your problem not UD 3.5.0.
here is what you want to do to get the latest ultimatedroid.ud 350 was like 2 months ago so try ud6 go to the downlods section at this site .........Let me google that for you

Sorry for bumping again, but this weekend is really the only time I'll have to do anything extensive with my phone.

Again, main issue is that I'm unable to boot into recovery, Clockwork nor SP.

I've tried the flash SP, reflash Clockwork multiple times as this point, and neither the Reboot into Recovery option or manually entering recovery works. It loads up the Moto M symbol, sits there for about one minute, goes to a black screen, M symbol again, and boots normally.

I'm running UD Froyo eXtreme 3.5.0, and the ROM has just turned out not so great for me. Some phone calls go straight to Voicemail, I'm having sync issues with email sometimes taking an extra few hours to get to my handset, many of my apps that were backed up with Titanium can't be reinstalled for some reason, and I'm unable to flash my Nandroid backup to re-back them up. Some apps aren't working correctly (Juice Defender shows it has the ability to control the APN during setup, but for some reason, it won't work with this ROM.)

I've also tried the other options mentioned within Rom Manager when a reboot to recovery fails, with none of them fixing the issue.

Only suggestion I've gotten that I've yet to try is using DM Updater to roll back my phone, though I've read that can cause a lot of issues, and I'm hesitant to try without really knowing what may happen.
You 'might' be able to fix it by using the 'help' function within Titanium to reinstall the proper version of the busybox binary as that is what sounds like is going wrong. Then try using ROM Manager to re-install one of the custom recovery images. Otherwise it sounds like you need to manually install busybox and SPRecovery and that will almost require some useage of the ADB shell.

good luck
I've also tried the other options mentioned within Rom Manager when a reboot to recovery fails, with none of them fixing the issue.

Using rom manager would be your problem not UD 3.5.0.

And the fix would be? I tried uninstalling it and manually booting to recovery, and I had the same issue. After letting go of the X after a minute+ it went to the black screen for a split second, back to the Moto M, and booted normally. I'd love some more details on the solution to this "problem."

As far as updating to the newest version of UD, I'd love to do anything to get off of this specific ROM, whether that be back to stock root, another ROM, anything. But the issue isn't needing someone to Google the site for me or anything, its, and I feel the need to emphasize this, GETTING TO RECOVERY.

I tried it anyways, thinking maybe having an to go through would get it to recovery with ROM Manager (after reinstalling) with no luck.

I came to this board because I've lurked for just about as long as the Droid 1 has been out and always seen how helpful a lot of people are. I suppose I'll just go straight to UD since only one person has offered any helpful advice, I only wish it had worked so I could thank them.

Edit for teddyearp: I need to learn to refresh after leaving the page up for 10 minutes. XD Going to try the first two steps you mentioned with Titanium and ROM Manager. As far as the ADB shell, I used it for a small period when customizing boot images first came about, but haven't touched it since then. With work and just being busy in general, I kinda lost track of the Android scene around three months ago and wasn't really able to keep up. I'll search a bit for what would be required to manually install busybox and SPR. Thanks a ton. :D

Edit 2: Sadly, no luck with downloading busybox through Titanium and going to an old backup through ROM Manager. Reading a bit now about installing them through ADB, and I'm seeing a lot of mention of using Root Explorer to do that. About time for my part time job, so I'll post back later tonight once I get a chance to mess with that. Thank you again.
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I have guides on my site one is 'rooting and installing busybox' the other is installing the 'custom recovery image'.

good luck
Hehehe. Well IMHO when all the nice new shiny 'helper' apps don't get 'er done, it's time to get in up to your elbows and get your hands dirty ;) by goin' the old route.