Apparently Pokemon are more important than life itself. We have seen people stop in the middle of traffic, step off the side of a cliff, and now waltz through a RADIATION ZONE just to snag a couple of Pokemon. This game is becoming as life altering as Flappy Bird. The Fukushima Radiation Zone is a place where a nuclear meltdown occurred which spilled radio active waste all around the surrounding areas. It seems that enough dummies crossed the fence there that TEPCO had to issue an official warning to Pokemon trainers attempting to hit up pokestops inside the area.
TEPCO has even requested that this radiation zone be removed from the game which is actually not a bad idea. Some of you have argued here that Pokemon Go could be a good tool for removing idiots from the population. I wouldn't go that far. Is it our responsibility to remain safe while playing a game or should Niantic scour the globe for "unsafe" places and remove them from their global map?
via Japan Times