iTunes remote access app?


Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I'm trying mSpot and it's working well although what it really is doing is uploading your itunes music to their servers and letting you stream it. You get 2 GB free and can buy additional space. What I REALLY REALLY want is an app that will allow me to remotely access my whole itunes library on my PC at home and be able to stream it on my Droid. That would be AWESOME! I found one app like it but it only works via Wifi, I want a 3G streaming one!

Anyone know of one? Does phonemypc have audio yet?
You'd need more than just an app on your Droid. The app can't grant itself access to your iTunes library across the net.
Yup I understand that, but an app and pc app that will work with itunes. I really want to finish converting a bunch of my itunes purchased music that I bought before they changed the DRM. Then
I can untether myself from apple and used VLC remote access.
Jam 11 beta, just started using it and its pretty good. sync through both wifi and 3g, also theirs homepipe
Google Music

Been using it for 2 months or so. Love it!

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