Jelly Bean Custom ROMs on Droid 4


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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So the source code for Jelly Bean leaked last night and I was wondering if anyone had gotten a custom rom onto their D4 yet... I have been looking around and see plenty of custom roms specifically for the Galaxy Nexus as well as some for GSII and III and a couple other phones but hadn't seen any for the Droid 4. Anyone have any stable Android 4.1 ROMs running on the D4 yet? Also, I am currently running Android 4.0.4 but I was wondering how to actually go about switching to Android 4.1 since most of the other ROMs I am seeing are meant to be flashed with CWM recovery which (to my understanding), Droid 4 can not use because of the locked bootloader. Custom ROMs and directions to flash them (maybe using safestrap) would be very much appreciated!
as the D4 doesnt even have ICS fully released you may wanna settle down, while the nexus series has the JB already its because of the drivers being baked in, the D4 will not be so easy as it will need to be ported and tested. Give the devs some times to cook before tryin to taste the chili!
Hypothetically speaking, if we switch from ICS 4.0.4 to JB 4.1.x, would we be able to switch back?

I know GB to ICS back to GB wasn't possible, but this isn't as drastic of a change?
Someone on RootzWiki stated they thought most/all the drivers were the same from ICS to JB. Assuming that is true hopefully it won't to hard to port some JB goodness to the D4.

Sent from my Droid 4
Does JB require a new kernel?

Aren't 206, 208, 211, 212, and 213 all different ICS kernels?

Or are they all the same because they're all ICS kernels, just different patches for it? Because we're able to jump around between those.
Aren't 206, 208, 211, 212, and 213 all different ICS kernels?

Or are they all the same because they're all ICS kernels, just different patches for it? Because we're able to jump around between those.
I believe that 211, 212, and 213 have the same radios and kernels but different checksums, that's why jumping from leak to leak requires us to flash the leak's kernel.

Regarding my question about a JB kernel, i just foresee problems that developers had with ICS roms based on GB kernels. If JB is ported using an ICS kernel they may not play nice together. Its not as big of a difference as GB is from ICS, but who knows until someone tries.
Hen my wife had the Nexus a couple of weeks ago, I installed a JB leak. We ended up returning It, and I was able to go back to stock 4.0.2 no problem. Honestly, JB is a lot like ICS anyways. There are obviously new features, but it seems more like a bigger ICS update than a new android OS.
My thinking was that I would be able to use my 4.0.4 stock on the nonsafe mode for safestrap and then flash a zip file for a custom rom on the safe side, but I didn't realize it's necessary to flash a new kernel as well... Hopefully what you heard on Rootzwiki is correct and the switch from ics to jb is easy to do based on the kernels they use.