jrummy overclock app updated? do I still need setCPU?


Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
As the title implies, I see that the jrummy overclock app has been updated and now utilizes CPU profiles, which is what I was formerly using setCPU for. Am I correct to assume that I no longer need to run the 2 apps, and can only use jrummy's app to control everything?

Note, the main thing I see missing from this option is that setCPU provided ongoing status in the notification bar, and jrummy doesn't not (at least I don't see it anywhere)

Thanks in advance for assistance
You can use just jrummy's app. I have been before profiles and still see good battery life. I left home at 0635 and it is now 2100 and underclocked to 900 with ulv. No charger still have another hour or two to go....maybe.

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If the profiles were working properly, you wouldn't need SetCPU.. but I and others in the comments have had trouble with them. It seems to stick on the 'screen off' profile instead of clocking back up to your defaults. Hopefully an update is coming soon.
If the profiles were working properly, you wouldn't need SetCPU.. but I and others in the comments have had trouble with them. It seems to stick on the 'screen off' profile instead of clocking back up to your defaults. Hopefully an update is coming soon.

Yes, I am seeing that problem occur too.
I just updated to the 1.9.4 version of jrummy's overclock and the profiles seem to be working fine now. You can see the profiles activate by using the widget, and setting the profile delay to something like 3 seconds. Then turn your screen off and wait a moment, and turn it back on. When it does, you can see the profile change in the widget. you must have more than one profile or it won't work. It needs to switch over to something after the screen comes back on.