Just got my new Rezound!


Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
It came in the mail, and I have been setting it up tonight, but now I have a few questions.

1. I cannot find the "flashlight" app that my incredible had, is that no longer available?

2. I am trying to setup my contact list but I cannot delete some of the contacts that are already there. #BAL, #DATA, #MIN, etc... are in the list, I want to delete them but they do not have that option it seems. instead of an icon that looks like a person next to them, they have an icon that looks like a SIM card, or maybe a MicroSD card. Is there a wayto get rid of them? I hope so.

3. What is the SIM card for?
I just got mine today too!

Sorry, I have no answers to your questions. Maybe someone else will show up here soon and help you out.

Hi Chimera,

Hopefully this will help.

1. There are plenty of flashlight apps. Go to the play store and search for flashlight. I am currently using flashlight hd led. It works ok.

2. Those are Verizon contacts and you cannot delete them.

3. A Sim card is what programs your phone. It takes the place of over the air activation (not updates just the actvation). If you have 2 Sim card controlled smart phones, you could switch between the two phones by swapping the Sim card.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Congrats on the phone. I just got mine the other day too and I'm loving it. The sim card is for 4g phones. You had to dial *228 to program 3g phones but that is not necessary with 4g. In fact you NEVER want to dial *228 with your Rezound or any 4g sim card phone.

This was posted using my Rezound.
Rezound contacts

regarding your contacts. unless it has been very recently fixed, there is an error in displaying contact information for any date prior to January 1, 1970. For example, if you have a birthday for someone born on December 25, 1969, it will show up one day later, December 26. HTC is aware of this error, and their recommendation to fix it was to get another contact app. I'm using Contapps. Works nice and shows the correct dates.
I use the "Telsa LED" flashlight app.

It can also send morse code via flashing.

ljbdroid said:

Here's the HTC flashlight apk. Just download and install.

Sent from my A500 using DroidForums

Doesn't work just sits on this screen. Can't get the text box away and can't adjust the button.


Also nexus torch doesn't work on high brightness.
It came in the mail, and I have been setting it up tonight, but now I have a few questions.

1. I cannot find the "flashlight" app that my incredible had, is that no longer available?

2. I am trying to setup my contact list but I cannot delete some of the contacts that are already there. #BAL, #DATA, #MIN, etc... are in the list, I want to delete them but they do not have that option it seems. instead of an icon that looks like a person next to them, they have an icon that looks like a SIM card, or maybe a MicroSD card. Is there a wayto get rid of them? I hope so.

3. What is the SIM card for?
1 - Use Nexus Torch. It's awesome. - https://play.google.com/store/apps/...=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsIm5ldC5jYWN0aWkuZmxhc2giXQ.. -

2 - I think those contacts are embedded by Verizon, so you can't remove them. At least not without rooting.

3 - A SIM card is basically a key to get on the cell network.