K-9 Email Help needed


New Member
Jun 1, 2010
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I am trying to get my K-9 email to work in a similar fashion to my old blackberry. My old blackberry would have all my emails in the inbox. Once I read them they would stay there until I deleted them or a certain time period and they would drop off. What K-9 doesn't do is show my email once I have read it. It disappears. It shows I have x amount of data in the folder but nothing when I press on it. What settings do I need to set so it retains the email until I delete it.

Mot Droid
K-9 Mail ver 2.708

Thanks for the help
It must be an incorrect setting. I use K9 and all mail stays in my in box until I delete it on my phone or computer.

Let me check my settings and I'll repost
I've been using K-9 for a very long time (nov. or dec.) and it will not retain emails once they have been deleted from your server. If I have an email I want to keep on the phone I forward them to my gmail account. Just to clarify, I use K-9 for my pop account and the native gmail app for my gmail account.
With K9, my emails stay in the inbox and are displayed until I delete them. You must have the display setting not set correctly. You also have the option of how many are load for displayed. K9 is a great email client that constantly gets better with each new update.