K-9 email ?


May 8, 2010
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Using K-9 email app. Using a pop email and when I have emails on my droid and then go check them on my laptop the emails disappear from my inbox on my phone.
I would like them to stay on my phone until I delete them. Is this possible?
when configuring your pop account make sure to keep messages on the server
are you saying to leave them on the server on my pc settings or in the droid settings?
are you saying to leave them on the server on my pc settings or in the droid settings?

both, probably.

on pop if you tell the server to delete the message after retrieval, it's gone - you can't get it with another client after that

that's why imap is better for multiple clients, but I myself am too lazy to set that up at work, lol

wait just realized: it's the settings on the PC end. k-9 doesn't really download messages as such, I think it just polls and syncs up with the server.
thanks pdroid, I'll change the pc setting and give a shot.
Thanks it works! Now I would like to figure out how to keep emails in a "saved" file or folder.