K-9 Mail vs. Stock 2.1 Mail Client


Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Has anyone tried out K-9 Mail? What does it get me over the stock mail client? I see 2.1 supports multiple mail account, and I thought that was the big deal with K-9. Was most of K-9 merged back into Android Mail?

I use k9 because the interface is a million times better imo, and you can download any kind of attachment. Seems like there was a more important reason that I switched to it but I've been using it so long now that I don't even remember. I guess it's just, all around, more functional than the stock app.
When did you switch

Did you switch from stock 2.0 Mail, 2.1 mail or 1.5 mail?

I always had problems with stock not pushing my emails to my Droid so I downloaded K9 Mail and dang sometimes I wish it would stop.. it pushes all the emails all the time. (which I like)
I agree. K9 is really good. Much better than stock, and it's FREE!!
I like K-9 especially since it allows you to send your non-gmail email to a different folder, unlike the stock app which only allows you to delete it (WTF!?).

The only two things I would change would be the folder header list, I wish it looked more like he stock app. And the Icon is pretty lame.

Other than those two nit-picks I really like it.
Ha! I wish my K9 mail would push...Installed K9 because Pure Messenger doesn't work with stock, but the stock corp email would push my exchange mail.

Darn Pure Messenger keeps "forgetting" my exchange account, though. Has something to do with system memory issues causing that "strange behavior". Don't think my exchange account is set-up all that great, either, since I don't think either stock or K9 "syncs" when I delete from the Droid. But I love my little 4x4 PM widget that shows all my unread SMS, Gmail & exchange mail!
K9s biggest difference to me...EMAIL SIGs
How could they have left something so basic out of the stock app?
Other things like BCC come to mind but I too forget those specifics
Not sure if this is helpful but i installed k9 as I was unable to configure my college email address with the stock email program. They use an antiquated system and I was only able to get it to work with the k9 program. Now i am able to sync all of my comcast, gmail and edu accounts flawlessly...