K9 mail


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
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I need some help setting up K9 mail. What is "polling"? I have three email accounts set up in K9 and I seem to be "checking" for mail quite a bit. Does K9 sychronize the download cycles or are they searching separately? Is there a more efficient strategy for some of the setup parameters? I seem to be burning through the battery faster now.

Polling is how often it auto-checks your mail. I set mine to none, although I leave push enabled. So then I just run the manual check whenever.

Incidentally, I did the same with the FB app, since all that checking wastes so much battery life.
Empty trash can?

I can't seem to be able to empty the K-9 email trash can. What does expunge mean?
Expunge is permanent removal from the server... no give backs.
Normally, when you "delete" a mssg it's flagged/marked for deletion. Then at some trigger point, usually logout, flagged mssgs are moved to the trash. From there, they are eventually expunged by some reconciliation function in your mail provider's system.

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