Keeping the ICS hope alive for the X2


Oct 4, 2011
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Hello there fellow X2 users. I've recently come across an article, that while not VERY VERY recent, it was recent enough that it caught my attention and got me thinking. In short, the article states that while newer devices such as the bionic etc may get ICS sooner, it is not entirely impossible for devices like the X2 or the Photon(on sprint) to get the update as well. Actually, the article mentions that it will just take longer and doesn't really rule out the possibility of ICS coming to the X2.

What are your thoughts?

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I regret buying this x2, I really need to find a way to stop all the lag and battery hogging. thinking about razrmaxx but after this pathetic excuse of a screen I may get another iphone :(

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Also comforting to know that the folks in China, Singapore, Korea, South America and Tazmania will get ICS on their RAZRs first. Maybe it's the Alpha test?

That said I like my DX2 just fine with GB.
The OG X is also getting an update that has been confirmed by its not ICS but still, if they are still supporting the OG X its only a matter of time before they finally acknowledge the X2 and give us some sort of update

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No the DROID Incredible 2 is getting ICS. That's good news toward the X2 getting ICS. I mean, they were both pushed out the same date and INC2 dont even have a dual-core. So if they're getting it, I don't see why we wouldn't...

sent from My MB870/DROID X2 Runnin' CM7