Keyboard Backlight Issues


Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Has anyone else had any problems with the keyboard backlight? it seems like it is quite inconsistent. I'll open the keyboard and the backlight will turn on. then it will go off halfway through typing a message. Then on. Then off again.

Don't know why. Right now, it won't go on at all (3:15pm in a bright office). So I am assuming that there a light sensor that I am covering up or not seeing... and it won't go on right now because it is bright in here?

Mine did that too....

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it's supposed to run off a light sensor, don't know where it is though.

Edit: Looks like it uses the front camera, or maybe a light sensor in the same spot. Put my finger over it and the backlighting came on.
I think it I the black dot to the left of the power button.

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Mine was doing that to and come to find out I was putting my finger over the sensor when typing. The sensor is actually to the left of the front camera. If you cover it and uncover it you will see the soft keys light go off and on.
Yeah... now that its dark the keyboard is staying on. Pretty cool.

...but if you put your hand over the sensor, shouldn't the lights go on?

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...but if you put your hand over the sensor, shouldn't the lights go on?

Yes, they should. When you cover it your making it believe its dark and the lights should come on. That's how mine is working anyway.

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I have encountered the same problem. I know that it is associated with the keyboard because I have encountered the problem when working in a dark room. The keyboard light goes off and then on as I type using the keyboard. The problem is with the hardware and not the app, since it has occured when working in different apps.
The problem is with the hardware and not the app, since it has occured when working in different apps.

I believe it, anything is possible beings the phone was just released. Hopefully they fix this issue with a system update that comes out because mine does it now and then also.
They just need to tweak the light sensor levels and/or sensitivity is all. The sensor is in a decent enough spot, just above and to the right of the letter 'A' in the Motorola logo.

I've been messing around with it and it struggles during any kind of low-light and or shadow scenario. For myself, dusk while sat in my car has proven to be the absolute worst time for the keyboard not knowing its ass from it's elbow. Its also nice to play with the 'Elixir' software while studying the 'light sensor' setting and passing your finger close and over the sensor so you can see the change in lux settings for yourself.

I too hope they are able to resolve this in a firmware update.
Just picked up my d-4 today and having the same issues with keyboard lighting, very annoying in this particular light.. A constant on setting would be great or be able to set the sensor sensitivity.

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I've noticed this happening as well.. Though, now that I know where the light sensor is, I can say I am not covering it with my finger.
They said the keyboard back light issue was fixed with the last update. I believe there words were " it will light when it needs to" or something close to that... how do they know when I need my keyboard lights on??? I do not see much of a difference at all... how about a user adjustable setting.... so I can determine when my keyboard lights are on..... hopefully this will be in the ICS update....

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Try the app screen filter... just a suggestion :)
