Keyboard lacks Menu button. No copy/paste w/ physical keyboard?


Jun 23, 2011
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So I'm playing with a Droid 3 and the keyboard is about 200 million times better than my ol' Droid's keyboard except for one thing: there's no menu button anymore!

On the original droid it was a button with a series of horizontal lines that you could press in conjunction with other keys to carry out commands. For example, menu key + C to copy and menu key + V to paste. Is this sort of thing not possible on the Droid 3?

EDIT: The Droid 2 had this problem too but it allowed you to work around it by long-pressing the OK button. This seems like a step backwards to me. Is anyone else disappointed that they can't use the physical keyboard to do simple editing? Anyone found a way to copy or paste just by using the keyboard? Maybe a software update will fix this.
use the capacitive Menu button instead. it works just the same

I thought I had tried that. Doesn't it just bring up the menu for whatever app you're in?

Let me try it now. OK, I'll highlite this sentence...WOW!!! I can't believe that worked! Very cool! Thanks islander90!

(The trick is to hold down the capacative menu button, not tap it)