Keyboard "send" button


New Member
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so i got my Droid 3 a bit ago, and finally yesterday realized that there is no send button for the physical keyboard. i looked it up on the droid 2 forums and they said to press the right arrow key and hit ok. that doesn't work for this phone apparently. if anyone could help me it would be appreciated because when im on a website forum that doesnt have the "enter" button next to the comment your writing I cant send my message and it's rather annoying
Hit right arrow then ok. Works everytime...

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Like I said, it isn't working for me. We are talking about the right arrow on the arrow keys right? Cause its the only one I'm seeing
How about trying a different browser? I would go for Opera Mobile or Opera Mini as they don't use Webkit, which most other browsers do. Try the return/enter key.