Kickstand on Verizon Holster


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
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I bought the Verizon holster/case combo and noticed the other day that the base of the belt clip has holes where a kickstand support would go and the clip itself has notches for said support to lock into. I've managed to "fix" the clip using the metal piece from a binder clip and it now works perfectly for watching video. Can't imagine why they would've left out such a useful feature. Anyone else noticed this and found a different way of making it work? Was my holster just missing a piece?
can you provide a link to the holster, and a photo of your modification to it

Sure, this is the case/holster combo, I bought mine the week after Christmas: LINK

Here's a picture of my mod.

It seems to be working well so far, but I'm sure whatever is supposed to be in there would store a little flatter than the binder clip does.
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I have the same combo and never noticed this, if you're missing it so am I. Why implement it and then omit the needed part? Does your clip interfere with using it as intended or must you remove it?
This is a nice find! I also have the holes and channels where there would be a clip. I am going to do this!
I only added the metal piece on earlier today, but haven't noticed it interfering with anything.

Because the metal piece isn't the same shape as the one verizon intended it does have some tension on it which tends to make it lock open as soon as you open the clip. It's actually a bonus to me, since I don't have to fiddle with the clip to get it locked open, and it gets pushed flat when I hook the holster onto my belt, so it seems workable.

I'm tempted to check with Verizon to see why the piece isn't there, but I also notice a big red sticker in the holster telling you which way to stick the phone in, so maybe for some reason they don't want you putting the phone in backwards.

Here's a picture of the piece I used removed from the phone (had to open it a little and bend the tabs at the bottom to get it to fit)

And here's a shot of where I connected it on the phone (That's the rest of the binder clip holding the belt clip open)
In case this helps anyone else who wants to try this, the metal piece I used came off a "small" size binder clip from Officemax.
In case this helps anyone else who wants to try this, the metal piece I used came off a "small" size binder clip from Officemax.
EDIT:I just found a "SMALL" binder clip and it works like a charm.
the reason the clip says insert face down is because the phone fits PERFECT like, having it face up it fits, but wasn't intended to be inserted that way do the the " CHIN " the DROID has. it will not lock in place, but for setting the phone on your desk it works great. when clipped on your belt I'd flip the phone around the direction its meant to be.

yeah I just tried with a "Medium" sized clip and it was a bit to big hrm... now to see if we have any Small binder clips laying around anywhere

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