Kindle store function


New Member
Oct 2, 2010
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I don't own a Kindle yet but I saw the app and decided to play around with it and check out a few free books just to get a feel. But it eats up my battery.

I always make sure to end any running programs that I'm not on but what can I do to conserve more battery when reading books with the Kindle app. I know it's a lot of power so it's going to take a lot of battery but it seems to go from a full charge to next to nothing fast and I'm a pretty quick read so I don't know what to do.
In the kindle menu, adjust the brightness, or set the background to black and use white letters. That's how I have mine, and it barely uses the battery.
In the kindle menu, adjust the brightness, or set the background to black and use white letters. That's how I have mine, and it barely uses the battery.

Thanks! I adjusted the brightness and changed the background to black and hopefully the battery will stay intact like yours.