Kit Kat Rom For Multiple Devices Including HTC One, Xperia Z, and Sprint Galaxy Nexus


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Oct 6, 2011
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Google has released their latest and greatest version of Android version 4.4 Kit Kat, but unless you are using a modern Nexus device you won't be seeing this update on your device any time soon if ever. That is unless you are a fan of custom roms. Three new devices received Kit Kat Roms including the Htc One, Sony Xperia Z, and the Sprint Galaxy Nexus. Stephen Bird has released his version of AOSP Kit Kat 4.4 for the HTC One. He says that the rom uses 4.3 binaries to get it booting, but it is still pretty stable for an early build. Xda member Pabx has released a truely pure AOSP build for the Xperia Z which is so pure it doesn't include recovery or root. Nolinuxnoparty released Kit Kat for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. His build doesn't include a camera, but everything else is looking pretty good. Grab any of these roms at the link below.

Via AndroidAuthority