The House Intelligence Committee will release a report Monday, following its probe into espionage charges against the two telecommunications-gear makers. Also, "60 Minutes" will air its investigation into the company on Sunday.
And his is why I wouldn't get either of these companies. Nor their tablets. I don't need a Chinese company with ties to their government to be providing the tablet/phone which unbeknownst to me, has the ability (moreso than other companies) of spying on me.
No thanks
The committee held a three-hour hearing last month, during which lawmakers repeatedly criticized Huawei and ZTE for being vague in answering questions about whether their networking equipment could be used to snoop on American companies and individuals. At the end of the hearing, committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) expressed some consternation that the companies hadn't been more forthcoming in addressing his concerns.
And his is why I wouldn't get either of these companies. Nor their tablets. I don't need a Chinese company with ties to their government to be providing the tablet/phone which unbeknownst to me, has the ability (moreso than other companies) of spying on me.
No thanks