The 10% you speak of is the common +/- range that is acceptable in most electronics. It simply allows for small variations (fault tolerance) in components since quality and accuracy will vary, even within "identical" parts. Voltage is important, but the amperage rating is what can really damage your device.
So having a 5.1V or 5V charger you fall well within the 10% range. With 5V being ideal, 4.5V to 5.5V chargers still fall in the 10% range, but I like staying much closer to ideal with my electronics whenever possible, say +/- 5% which would equate to 4.75V to 5.25V to be safe. In my experience, under-volting can cause more problems than over-volting.
With amperage ratings I would be a little more cautious. Having a charger with a lower amp rating (current) will cause your phone to take longer to charge. I doubt that it would harm your phone, but if the phone is rated at 1amp and your charger can only supply 0.7amp of current, then you could have a situation where the phone is overtaxing the charger. This could cause the charger to heat up more than normal or shorten its lifespan. Worst case scenario, you short a diode, DC becomes AC, and your phone is toast.... or the charger catches fire. Unlikely with such low power devices, but some things are better left untested. An example would be when you overload a wall outlet and the breaker trips. Were there no breaker, the wires would overheat, and if the draw was great enough, melt or catch fire. Better to be safe.
On the other hand, having a charger with too high a rating could fry your phone. I read somewhere on the forums a few days ago someone saying that it's ok...your phone will use what it needs. That is not very smart. Staying in the 10% range should be fine, but higher than that and your phone will not be equipped to handle the additional current. It was never intended to do so and will not have the circuitry needed for current reduction. You may get away with it a few times, but one day you will wonder what that funny smell is.
You must consider that if you are following the 10% rule, both the LG and Moto chargers fall outside of 10%. At a 1.0A rating, anything outside of 0.9A - 1.1A should not be used.
Sorry about the length of this post. I thought it better to explain things for a better understanding, rather than just giving you, "Nope, don't do that." I hope this helps.