It's amazing just how far Android has evolved over the past few years. In the grand scheme of things Android hasn't been around for very long. Despite this, it has grown to encompass such a vast array of features that many Android users would feel almost lost without them. There are so many things that Android can do today which weren't even dreamed of just 3-4 years ago.
It's not just how many features and functions that Google has built into the OS either. Nor is it just the extra UI functions that Android OEMs pack on either, (some of those are great while others are not so great). Actually, one of the things that has truly helped Android to thrive is the active developer community. There are now millions (billion+?) of apps for Android, and many of them make our Android so much more than it would be as a vanilla device.
However, making a list of the greatest apps to grace Android of all time would be a nearly impossible task. It would be arrogant for your humble DF HQ editors to assume they could pick the greatest apps in a list that wouldn't be as long as a highway. After-all, what is useful to one person might not be that useful to another. Conversely, there are a ton of great apps out there that many of have never even tried.
We think it would be great to see a list of what you in the Android community think is your favorite app. That way, the rest of us will get a chance to see what else is out there, and what everyone else enjoys. To that end, we would like to create this thread which is a "Favorite Android Apps of All Time." Except, these aren't chosen by us; they are chosen by you. So, please help us create this master list of awesome Android apps by posting your 3 favorite Android apps of all time. Feel free to discuss them as well. We want to hear why you like them so much.