Location wierdness...


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Something's going on with the location and clock on my phone and I don't know how to fix it.

I'm in Roanoke, VA. All day the clock and location was fine...till I drove into neighboring Salem. The clock must be confusing Salem, Virginia with Salem, Oregon 'cause the time changed to three hours earlier. Now I'm at home in Roanoke and the phone is showing "Current City" instead of Roanoke, and is saying it's mostly sunny out...even though it's pitch black out at 6:15pm.

What in the world is going on?
sorry this made me laugh a little since its pitch black and sunny LOL

Maybe you could go into maps and have it find your location and that might help it figure out where you're at?
It's now 6:40 and according to my phone, it's still sunny. Guess I won't need to take a flashlight to walk the dog...:)
Not that it fixes anything but I am glad to hear this is not limited to me. I live in Portland, CT and every time I am home the htc time and weather widget switches to PST.....apparently thinking I am in Portland Oregon. I am really hoping that the promised December bug fix repairs this.
This morning I uninstalled Locale and now the HTC widget doesn't specify the town.....just says current location...but it has me on Eastern time
Out of curiosity, what happens if you turn GPS satellites on?

If I check my location w/o that on, it isn't all that accurate. But when acquiring satellite data, it's basically dead on.
Tried it both ways and other apps find my location without issue......this is specific to the HTC wdiget..........GPS is more accurate, but cell tower triangulation still gets me closer than 3000 miles.....approx distance from Portland, CT to Portland, OR :)

Quick reply as I need to run
I am having the same issue. I work in Bellevue, Nebraska and It thinks I am in Bellevue, Washington. Very Annoying.
Yes, 3000 miles seems a tad off! (Without satellites on, my location seems to be within a mile, or so. The widget seems to work OK most of the time here. :shrug: )
I just tried seting my home city manually rather than using current location. So it will be stuck on Omaha but at least the time should be right, and that is most important to me.
I am back in Oregon......not locale as the issue

LOL! So if you check your location from Google maps, what does that say? Is that at least close? I noticed when I got home from work today, that the widget said I was still at work! OK...so not so good!
I just tried seting my home city manually rather than using current location. So it will be stuck on Omaha but at least the time should be right, and that is most important to me.

Ok..I can confirm that this "fix" is working.

What I did was remove the widget from the home screen, and then re-installed it. When you do that, it asks you what location to use. The default is "current location". This is the option that follows you around. The other default is New York. There is also an option to add a new city. I did this and added Omaha, the city I live in. I then selected Omaha as the city to use. So now it will stay on Omaha, and not follow me, but the clock will be correct. I work in a suburb Bellevue and the phone thought I was in Bellevue, Washington.

The bug appears to be with the clock widget and not the phone gps. If I try to do a search for Bellevue..only Bellevue, Washington comes up. There is no option for Bellevue, Nebraska. So HTC needs to program more cities into the widget.
More Cities would help but they really need to change the logic......it should check the state first and if it can't locate the city within that state go to a default or prompt the user to choose from the cities it has.......setting it by the city name is just whacko.

But I am sure there is a fix upcoming and I like knowing the weather in Oregon ;-)
I uninstalled the widget, and re-installed it, but it came up with the same list with other cities I had previously added. How do you get it to not "remember" the old list of cities when uninstalling/reinstalling? Delete all the cities (including current city) before uninstalling? (I was surprised it kept the old list somewhere, and didn't just start over again.)