looking for a new droid


New Member
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
So, im looking at geting a new phone.

So ive been compairing the droid x, and the droid 2.

are the specs of the next gen phones avaliable yet? Im really wanting somethign that has a HDMI out, with a full qwerty keyboard. I want the features of both compact togather.
No I don't think they have came out but from what I read the next gen of some devises will have hdmi out but who knows when thy will be....if the full keyboard is even an issue then go with the D2 I didn't think it was had the X for 1 day and took it back lol up 2u though

Using TapaTalk Damnit!!!
No I don't think they have came out but from what I read the next gen of some devises will have hdmi out but who knows when thy will be....if the full keyboard is even an issue then go with the D2 I didn't think it was had the X for 1 day and took it back lol up 2u though

Using TapaTalk Damnit!!!

yea see i jsut think its hard to type on touchscreens, unless the droid is alot better than other models. I mean i hate when i touch one part but it types the letter next to where i touch.

im coming from a HTC diamond, i'd go droid x if its really good, but i just dont know i know the touchscreen on my GPS, and on my HTC diamond both are not accurate enough for my normal sized fingers.

And they look like they'd be ahrd to type fast on too.
I bought the Droid 2 thinking I needed a physical keyboard too, since all my phones in the past had a crappy on screen keyboard. Now even though I have the QWERTY keyboard I find I hardly use it because the Droid 2's onscreen is so much better and easier.
I bought the Droid 2 thinking I needed a physical keyboard too, since all my phones in the past had a crappy on screen keyboard. Now even though I have the QWERTY keyboard I find I hardly use it because the Droid 2's onscreen is so much better and easier.

well i went with the droid x, i will probally wish i wated untill the super phone came out but couldent turn down the offer verizon gave me :)... i got a recertified version for 25 bucks becuase of something special valued customer thing ??? and my job???
Well good glad you got it rem u got 30days if you don't like it that's the good thing also

Using TapaTalk Damnit!!!
yea that was my thoughts, if i end up hateing it, im going to return it and get the droid 2, (maybe the r2d2 one)
The Droid X has a software keyboard called Swype that you can enable, it makes typing on it a lot easier since you don't need to actually press each button. That may sway you to the dark side :)
I own the Droid X (came from the incredible) and i think it is much better than the D2. It is bigger but typing on the screen is really easy, easier than the keyboard on the D2. the wife has the Fascinate and if had known about that one i would have waited. That phone is very nice. But to each his own/I would suggest using the 30 day gaurantee.