Looking for a way to group apps in app drawer


New Member
Jan 27, 2011
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Is there any app or something that can put apps into a group or a folder in the app drawer. That way I can just open the games folder when I want or something to that effect. Just annoying to scroll thru 6 pages of apps when I know I could knock that number down a lot with organization.
Welcome to the forum! in addition to the Droid Discussions section for all things Droid, there is also a separate section, with subforums, devoted entirely to the DX. check it all out - tons of info!

as for your specific question, the new GO Launcher EX has that capability. it's a very nice feature!
Thanks a lot for the quick response!

I've actually been lurking ever since I saw the Liberty ROM post on this forum and decided it was finally time to make an account.

Anyways, I'm currently using ADW Ex and love it. What all does GO Launcher Ex have to offer?
pretty much the same as ADW EX. in fact, on my phone, it runs better than ADW. ADW has a HUGE following, but it has never liked my phone for some reason.

but, it has a scrollable dock (like LP+), with space up to 15 app shortcuts. you can customize the icons, without a separate app like bettercut. the widgets are resizable. and, of course, you can make folders for apps, both in the app drawer and on homescreens. it has capabilities of having up to nine homescreens. it is also themable, just like adw (but it only got released within the last few days, so there aren't many themes to choose from). lots of different features - and best of all, it's FREE. :)
Hmm I guess that's just another app I'm gonna have on my phone trying haha. Thanks for tellin me about it and who cares about theming when there's such a strong Liberty Theme following right now
I like Folder Organizer personally. I like to keep folders on one of my home screens and this does a much better job than the standard OS.

It does not put a folder in the App Drawer however, but if you don't mind having them on your home screen it works wonders.
I am using Launcher Pro with Folder Organizer. Tried ADW but prefer scrolling dock in LP.
I like Folder Organizer personally. I like to keep folders on one of my home screens and this does a much better job than the standard OS.

It does not put a folder in the App Drawer however, but if you don't mind having them on your home screen it works wonders.

I am using Launcher Pro with Folder Organizer. Tried ADW but prefer scrolling dock in LP.

+1 for Folder Organizer. I use Folder Organizer folders in my Launcher Pro scrolling dock.