Looking for app similar to Locale


May 17, 2010
Reaction score
i used locale way back when i was still a free beta on my D1. it was awesome. now it is a way overpricing full version and its consistently received terrible reviews. Im just looking for any app out there, free or not, that will work same as locale used to work. i liked that locale could recognized my location and go into certain situations based on that location. when i get to work im always forgetting to put my phone on silent, and in class i need it on vibrate, at home i want wifi on and brightness turned down, at night i want it on silent. there has to be an app out there that has all of these cool features that locale used to utilized extremely well.
Y does this seem so difficult to use? At first glance this appears to be the least user friendly app ever

I am the developer of Locale. Locale would work great for the things that you've described, and we've also got some exciting new features coming very soon.

In terms of negative reviews on the Android Market, we've found that nearly all of these are due to configuration issues. Unfortunately, there's no way for us to reply to comments on the Android Market. If users contact us directly for support, we have found that all these problems can be quickly resolved with very simple adjustments to the setup.

If you'd like to see some thoughtful reviews, please take a look at these:
Location^3 :: Mile Zero
RickyCadden.com » Blog Archive » How I Use Locale To Automate My Android
Locale - NoSwap.com
A VC: Locale

Please contact us directly via email if you have any specific questions.

Check out Llama (free) and AutomateIt Pro ($1.50. The free version of AutomateIt does not have location ability but is very good for other "triggers".)
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I am the developer of Locale. Locale would work great for the things that you've described, and we've also got some exciting new features coming very soon.

In terms of negative reviews on the Android Market, we've found that nearly all of these are due to configuration issues. Unfortunately, there's no way for us to reply to comments on the Android Market. If users contact us directly for support, we have found that all these problems can be quickly resolved with very simple adjustments to the setup.

If you'd like to see some thoughtful reviews, please take a look at these:
Location^3 :: Mile Zero
RickyCadden.com » Blog Archive » How I Use Locale To Automate My Android
Locale - NoSwap.com
A VC: Locale

Please contact us directly via email if you have any specific questions.


I used the beta version of locale and absolutely loved it. I tried the pay version when it was released, regardless of the steep price, and found it to be a huge downgrade. The location service stopped working and many other features from the beta were missing. Whatever you did between the beta and the official release, honestly, were huge mistakes. Your product was great before the official release. Im sorry but until I see better reviews and have assurance of a better product for the high asking price I will not be able to do business with you.
I used the beta version of locale and absolutely loved it. I tried the pay version when it was released, regardless of the steep price, and found it to be a huge downgrade. The location service stopped working and many other features from the beta were missing. Whatever you did between the beta and the official release, honestly, were huge mistakes. Your product was great before the official release. Im sorry but until I see better reviews and have assurance of a better product for the high asking price I will not be able to do business with you.

Only one feature was removed during the transition from the beta to 1.0, the Calendar condition. Android provides no API for apps to access the Calendar. For a production quality app, we can't provide features that rely on non-public APIs.

Locale is really all about location, and Locale's Location condition is unbeatable in terms of speed, accuracy, reliability, and low power consumption. Every once in a while, we have to walk people through the setup for optimal results. Did you ever contact us for support?
Not a fan of locale either. There are other apps that have low power consumption and great speed. I personally like SVC+. I've never had an issue with that app at all.