Looking for Two Apps That Do...


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Looking for apps that do the following:

1) Give preview of an e-mail when received without launching the gmail app. Something like how handcent gives you a preview of the text in the notification bar.

2) Something to change the fact that you have to slide your finger to unlock the phone. I'd like to simply hit the lock/unlock button to go to the homescreen.

Any ideas?
2) Something to change the fact that you have to slide your finger to unlock the phone. I'd like to simply hit the lock/unlock button to go to the homescreen.

Any ideas?

I'd like that too!
Looking for apps that do the following:

1) Give preview of an e-mail when received without launching the gmail app. Something like how handcent gives you a preview of the text in the notification bar.

2) Something to change the fact that you have to slide your finger to unlock the phone. I'd like to simply hit the lock/unlock button to go to the homescreen.

Any ideas?

For #1 check out Pure messenger in the market. #2 I have no clue, sorry.
Keyguard Disabler from the Market does #2. However, it will allow both the lock button and the camera button to wake the phone when the Keyguard is "disabled". When it is "enabled", you are back to the normal process of swiping to complete the unlock. I put a shortcut on the home screen to quickly enable or disable the Keyguard.
ScreenModeWidget also does number 2. Once installed you can toggle between (1) the default screen off/unlock procedure, (2) screen goes off but any hardware button brings it back (no unlock sequence), and (3) screen stays on.