Received a notification today: "Low on space - Phone storage space is getting low."
Just received phone yesterday, installed a few apps including RepliGo PDF reader. When I clicked the notification, it brought up the "Manage Applications" screen with RepliGo listed at the top, 234mb! Clicking on the application shows that the app itself is only taking up 2.67 mb, but next to data it shows 232 mb. The "Clear Cache" button is grayed out. I have about 10 large PDF files stored on the SD card, each one is about 80-100 mb in size. I haven't viewed them all yet but have opened a few. Is RepliGo keeping copies of these files cached in the phone's internal memory? If so, why isn't it being cleared?
I sent a support email to RepliGo, waiting on a response. Wanted to check here as well to see if anyone's seen an issue like this yet. Because of this issue I'm unable to install any more apps, and I'm starting to get application errors (just got one from the calendar).
These are the apps I've installed since purchasing the phone: RepliGo, Dolphin, chompSMS, Astro, The Weather Channel, My Verizon, Pandora, Mobile Banking, Google Sky Map, and gTasks.
Other than this issue, the phone is amazing...especially in comparison to the LG Dare that preceeded it.
Just received phone yesterday, installed a few apps including RepliGo PDF reader. When I clicked the notification, it brought up the "Manage Applications" screen with RepliGo listed at the top, 234mb! Clicking on the application shows that the app itself is only taking up 2.67 mb, but next to data it shows 232 mb. The "Clear Cache" button is grayed out. I have about 10 large PDF files stored on the SD card, each one is about 80-100 mb in size. I haven't viewed them all yet but have opened a few. Is RepliGo keeping copies of these files cached in the phone's internal memory? If so, why isn't it being cleared?
I sent a support email to RepliGo, waiting on a response. Wanted to check here as well to see if anyone's seen an issue like this yet. Because of this issue I'm unable to install any more apps, and I'm starting to get application errors (just got one from the calendar).
These are the apps I've installed since purchasing the phone: RepliGo, Dolphin, chompSMS, Astro, The Weather Channel, My Verizon, Pandora, Mobile Banking, Google Sky Map, and gTasks.
Other than this issue, the phone is amazing...especially in comparison to the LG Dare that preceeded it.