luk luk slowed my droid!


Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
May have been a coincidence but after installing Luk Luke video streamer I notice my Droid seems slower. I uninstalled with no change. My touchscreen also seems less responsive. Any experience or suggestions? I have been blown away by this things speed but now I feel like I have a crackberry in my hand. Thanks
i have also installed Luk Luk in the last couple of days but have not noticed any decrease in speed. And i have watched a couple of things on it everyday since. hmm sorry you are having trouble.
On this note, I've a question. When doing an "uninstall", are all traces of the app removed from the Droid? I mean - when trying to remove an application from a desktop (or laptop) computer, it seems there's always some file or data left somewhere in the system. Is it the same with the Android system? I'm wondering if that's what could be causing your slowdown? I'll be the first to admit though I'm pretty good at using my apps, I'm in the dark as to how things work in the "background"..

Yes after you uninstall some apps they leave traces or files/folders still on your phone. This happened to me when I uninstalled "Where". I used Astro File Manager and went in and manually deleted the remaining files/folders under "Where". Hope this helps.
Just tried astro. There were several files left. After deleting everything seems fine now. Thanks for the help.