i receive texts fine, when i send a text, sometimes the other person receives something else than what i sent. i.e.. i sent.. is it still messed up? he received.. r@4@@ s hx610@ xr. ive been on the phone with verizon tech for 2 days and did 2 hard starts. tech transfered my phone # to a test phone and texted the person that received the weird text, and it was normal. then when he trasfered my # back to my phone, i sent the test text out and my friend received it weird again. obvously its my phone, but it doesnt happen to everyone i text. is there an update or has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it. HELP... my only other option is pay 600 for a new one, they will send me a refurb instead of a new one (which ive only had my phone for 3 wk, dont think i want a refub) or wait til the stores carry them to do a trade (which is on massive backorder).