Where to begin? I have had a lot of issues with my phone this past week, and I've scoured the internet to find solutions and I've come up empty handed. I had a straight talk LG phone for a long time, and it started shorting out recently. (wouldn't charge, shuts off randomly, etc.) I had an Xperia Play R800x from when I was on with Verizon, which had only been used about a month. I was able to get the phone switched over to my account. When I turned it back on I kept getting an error message, "Google Talk Authentication Failed." I also couldn't get any of my apps updated and google play store only had about 10 apps total. I even deleted an app I had previously installed on my phone to see if it would be there, and I got a message that it was not compatible with my phone, and it WAS the same version of the app. I found out that I didn't have either google talk nor hangouts. I was able to get hangouts by downloading the APK and doing a package install. Then when I tried to activate it, I kept getting the message, "Could not reach Google." I tried nearly everything at this point; Clearing cache, stopping data. I couldn't update the phone either; I kept getting an error message. I tried rooting it, (Which I planned on doing anyways) but I couldn't find a good program to do it. All the ones That were being mentioned were no longer available, and I wasn't able to have it done. I did manage to find a superoneclick download, but it freezes up every time I try to use it. I finally caved and decided to reset my phone. It seemed to work at first, but shortly after it would turn on the screen would go black and lock up. It won't turn off or on. I have to remove the battery, and after about a minute after it reboots it does the same thing. What's going on? I don't understand half the stuff that's been happening to it.