Mapping the side Button to MUTE


Nov 12, 2010
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I'm a BB owner looking to move to Android, either the Fascinate or the Pro on VZW. I've been waiting for the Pro and got to see it this morning at my local store.

I like the keypad, but being a heavy phone user, really want a hardware Mute button. I tried the re mappable button on the side, but could only find shortcuts for that button to apps (phone, calendar, etc.,).

Anyone know of a way to map it to the Mute function?

Really surprised that a business phone would not have a mute button. So now, other than the keyboard, not much of a difference (for me) from the Fascinate (been practicing swype on the wife's phone).
I came from a Blackberry too, but trust me - you'll both like and get used to the on screen mute button - it really works well. I'm using the Pro and it's a great phone.

Are you the same Ride from Timezone?


I came from a Blackberry too, but trust me - you'll both like and get used to the on screen mute button - it really works well. I'm using the Pro and it's a great phone.

Are you the same Ride from Timezone?



Nope, not the same ride, but I do appreciate the response. I think I'll put my order in next week.
You say that there is a button which you can map to an app. How about looking into someone who knows how to code an app and get them to code one that mutes when you open the app. And instead of opening completely it just stays on the current opened app. Once the phone gets root someone could easily reprogram the button to do that.

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Yeah, there's nothing out of the box that lets you re-map the side button to mute, though you can change the App that launches via Settings. There's a keyboard shortcut launcher preference in there somewhere.

I'm sure there'll be an app to do the mute at some point. Shouldn't be hard to develop.