One of the most compelling features of CyanogenMod has always been the theme engine. The theme engine allows theme developers to change the whole look and feel of your device to really suite your style. They are able to touch every aspect of the User Interface for a real deep theming experience. Elements that are themable include the notifications panel, nav bar, full framework, full system UI, app icons, apps and app interfaces, wallpapers, sounds, bootanimations and more. CM themes are much more in depth than a simple custom launcher theme which generally can only change the wallpaper and app icons.
If you like Red and Black the all new "Material Dark Red" Theme by Theme developer "Vivek_Neel" features Red elements with all light elements being darked out. Themed elements include Framwork-res, SystmeUI, Settings, Contacts, and Dialer. This theme has been tested on CyanogenMod as well as Liquidsmooth, and Resurrection. Head to the link below for more info and download links.
via XDA