Maximum number of hotspot devices - limited to 8?


New Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Is there a way to increase this? My family is large and we have lots of devices (phones, laptops, game consoles, etc.) and I am using the Bionic as a wifi hotspot - is there any way to increase this?

I searched on Google and in the forums and could not find any prior threads?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Never saw that question before but my guess is no. Having that many devices on any hotspot would saturate the throughput so I'm a little surprised it's working well with that many devices.
Never saw that question before but my guess is no. Having that many devices on any hotspot would saturate the throughput so I'm a little surprised it's working well with that many devices.

Well not all of the devices are hitting the hotspot for data all at once, in fact rarely are more than 1 or 2 actively requesting or transmitting data at any one time, it's just the connection limit that is frustrating us right now.
No idea.
When I have two-three devices running in a weak signal area it gets really hot, to the point that the overheat warning activates and threatens to shut down the phone.