md5 sums error???????



When I do a backup through clockwork it goes perfect but when I try and restore it says "md5 sums error" and wont restore. . . what does this mean? it suck cuz if I ever do need to restore cuz of bricking I wont be able to and ill have to restart from sbf. . . is there any explanation what md5 is or what I can do to fix? I use clockwork or whatever.

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Do you use koushes "bootstrapper"?

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Try clearing data and cache and trying again. If your backup is there and went off without hitch it should work.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
When I do a backup through clockwork it goes perfect but when I try and restore it says "md5 sums error" and wont restore. . . what does this mean? it suck cuz if I ever do need to restore cuz of bricking I wont be able to and ill have to restart from sbf. . . is there any explanation what md5 is or what I can do to fix? I use clockwork or whatever.

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the only thing i have read about the md5 sum error is if you change the name of the backup...did you change the name or ext on your backup, if so, change it back and you should be good to go.
Correct. You can't have odd characters or spaces in the file name if u renamed them. No spaces or slashes. I rename mine EX: 1-5-10_gummyJAR
i used kouches bootstrapper which takes me to clockwork recovery and used rom manager reboot to recovery and it took me to clockwork recovery which i found was the problem cuz if i used kouches to backup i had to use it to restore not rom managers i guess cuz the different clockwork recovery versions it sent me to but thanks for the input guys.