Media draining battery? media process android SOLVED


Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I had a media process that was draining my battery on my Bionic, I've heard of this problem on the nexus, the galaxy series devices, you name it...

Problem: In applications>running, there is a process called MEDIA and when you click the process it says the process was started by an app, it also says download service & causes your android OS to be significantly higher AT ALL TIMES than screen etc no matter what you do, it's a battery drain.

The solution offered by all the other forums I could find suggested that this was caused by a corrupted media file and the solution was to remove all media from the SD card, then one by one, add a file then check running processes until you find the culprit! This is time consuming and I thought there must be a better I did some digging and found a solution that worked for me and I wanted to share.

First, this problem occured on my stock but rooted Droid Bionic, because I utilized an application that downloads mp3 files for free, it's a good app, it's not malicious by any means, but shotty programming from the app developer meant that failed files stuck, causing mayhem for my download manager...

Solution: If you are running jellybean and notice the media process running and would like to end it's reign on your battery/ram...simply go to apps>all, scroll down to DOWNLOAD MANAGER, and click on it, scroll down to clear data and select ok. This won't harm anything, what it does is stops the media process from running a loop. I wanted to make this post so those out there like me who spent days trying to figure out the source of this running process could finally have an easy, viable answer!

I'm having the same problem. Is this still working for you or was it a short term solution?
I'm not rooted and have the same issue with Android OS using up lots of battery. I get nervous when I see a screen that says: "All this apps data will be deleted permanently. This includes all files, settings accounts, databases, etc."

How can you say that won't harm anything? What exactly is being deleted?
Same Probllem Appeared

Your solution worked. Both the onboard memory and my SD card appear to be fine, so it is not the dreaded "my gs3 destroyed my card" problem.

I had never had a problem with my phone, but after having the gs3 for a wonderful year and one half, the battery started draining and the phone freezing. Your post was the only one that specifically addressed that problem with the app that is identified by the OS Battery Setting as "Media"; Battery Doctor as "Media" and then "Downloads"; WatchDog as "Android Media Process" and the OS Applications Manager as "Downloads".

The problem did NOT appear to be the "Media Server" that is easy to read about in many places. Those posts led me down the wrong path initially.

I haven't had the chance to see what will bring the problem back, but it will come back. All my memory cards seem to fine. They all mount and can all be read and written to while in the phone. But as soon as one is installed the Download process runs away. It may be that a restart of the phone also starts this runaway process. It is nice to have a way to get the phone back under control, but why do we need to to this all of the sudden?

Is this fixed in 4.2 or 4.3 or 4.4? Does anyone know?
I'd really like to find a better way to deal with this than continually looking to see if is running, then taking corrective action to kill it. I played around with the Llama app, trying to find a way to automate this task, but I've given up. Anyone have any suggestions?
I seemed to have solved this problem on my note 8 running 4.2.2.

Initaily it did not work when I cleared the data on download manager so I went and found media storage and cleared data. It seemed to work very well.