Menus popping up itself, buttons randomly pressed


New Member
Jan 24, 2013
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I'm a newcomer to droidforums also a newcomer to android phones. Less then a week ago I've bought a Motorola Razr HD instead of an iPhone 5 or a Galaxy SIII. I was having a nice experience until yesterday. The phone was in my pocket in sleep mode for battery saving and when I've started the phone it started to press in phone app "*" and opening contacts while I was pressing the back button to stop it with no sucess. It worked nicely again after I've restarted it.

Why did it happened? Is it a software issue or a deffective piece of hardware? It's still in guarantee, should I contact Motorola for a phone replacement?
Hello and welcome to the forums, this is an excellent device so great choice. I've looked at your thread and have to wonder, before you put your phone into pocket and in sleep mode, did you make a call/receive a call or were you in the dialer or contacts?
I'm not sure what happened because I can't recall. But it happened again few days ago. I think that is related to the fact that I haven't lock the phone... At least the other times it happened. When it was in sleep mode still unexplained to me. Maybe is related to what you said.

Also, sometimes the phone gets hot in my pocket after a little use (browsing the web, photo editor apps, instagram, basically). Is it normal?

As a former iPhone user I must say it never happened to me.


My bad. Phone recognized my leg as finger touches. Just putted it in my pocket expecting to autolock quickly.