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I notice that if I keep a text message open and someone responds to my text I don't receive an alert. Is there a way to stop this or is there something I can do to change this? Any help would be appreciated.
same problem i'm having i HOPE there is a fix to this as it's beyond annoying not knowing when the phone will beep when a text comes it. i'm starting to regret moving off a blackberry.
absolutely does. if emails or texts are being notified i have no clue when someone wants me where or what's going on. that's anything but a minor issue. the phone itself, email and text are the 3 most important functions. there are many small things but basic communication is not one of them.
Only time it doesn't notify you is when you have a current text thread open. I don't know about you. But only time I ever have it open is if I am talking to someone, usaly holding the phone or have it sitting somewhwere in clear sight. If not I either turn off the screen or go back to the home screen.
Mine does it too, and I like it. I don't want it going off like crazy as I am in a conversation. I'm looking at the screen, chances are I will see it come in, no need to sound.
well if it only did it when i was looking at the screen that would be one thing. this thing does it randomly when the screen goes black. if a text come in, i reply and the other person takes roughly a minute, there is no beep. if they wait 10 minutes there always is. i'm sorry i can't tell when a text comes if the screen is black. what pisses me off to no end is there is no option to change it. this phone is FAR behind blackberry in user functionality but far ahead in speed and apps. it's a stronger phone it's just buggy !
If you download a song, or move to your Droid X, and you play it, while playing hit the home key. You will see the option to allow that to be used as a ring tone. I believe you can use it also as a message alert etc.
setting tones isn't the problem. the problem is them not working when a text is open. the lack of customization on this phone is so annoying. it blows my mind to no end that for as fast and "advanced" as this phone is they totally dropped the ball with actually setting up user preferences. it's like if you push 5 email accounts into the phone, you know what it says? notifier tone? like all 5 fking sound the same. didn't we move past that in like 2008? the only reason i'm keeping this phone is because gmail actually pushes quickly and i have a habit of breaking speakers on blackberries {if anyone has owned any of the curves you probably know pocket phone time makes the crackly quickly}. i know all phones have issues but this droid is just loaded with them. i can't for the life of me figure out why no app has been written to correct this. complaints are everywhere about it